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My boyfriend has had motorcycles for all of his adult life except for the three years we've been together. Even though he sold his last one a month after we met he talks about them every day- whenever one we pass one parked on the street the conversation always suddenly stops. His talk of buying a new bike has been increasing in frequency over the last few months, but I always try to change the subject- however cool it might look, I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to anything you could possibly fall off of (I don't even know how to ride a bike). Now it seems that his best friend may be starring in a new motorcycle movie, an Easy Rider for the noughties, and my man might get a smaller role- and a bike as thanks for being in it. Luckily these Mario Sorrenti photos from the latest Vogue Hommes International have come along at the right time- my other favourite model, Eniko Mihalik, looks lean and tough riding with Patrick Petitjean on dirt back roads. I've been putting off showing him these photos as I can already see the explosion of ideas and plans about next summer if he were to see them. At least he already has the right clothes...
Labels: bikers, eniko, leather, sorrenti, vogue hommes international